Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Kevin  McCall Lang
has been elected a
member of Camden
County Mounted
Rifles Camp No.747 Sons
of Confederate Veterans
upon the record of his
Confederate Ancestotor.
2nd Lt. Felder Lang
Co. D, 4th Georgia
Cavalry and is entitled
to all the rights and
privileges of the Confederation.
In witness whereaf this
certificate is given under
the hand and  seal of
the Commander-in-Chief.
duly attested by the Adjutant-
in-Chief at International
Headquarters. Columbia.
Tennessee this the 16th
day of May-2006


  1. WONDERFUL!!!! So PROUD of you Kevin! :)

  2. Ya but no one has time for this no moor

  3. There are people interested. I'm not a member but we have a large charter here in Americus. It seems that many of the younger generation today are just not aware of their history and organizations like SOCV and the DAR etc......

  4. The camp that I was in here in Woodbine feal aport no one had time.The frest year that I jone within six mouths nobody den't have time. I injoyed it we march in the praid I liked dressing up it was like stepping back in time.
